February 10, 2025

Advancing Business Excellence

Pioneering Corporate Success

St. Catharines Enterprise Centre Offers New Year Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

St. Catharines Enterprise Centre Offers New Year Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

A new year brings new opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, and the City of St. Catharines’ Enterprise Centre is ready to help individuals turn their ambitions into successful ventures.

With a slate of events, seminars, and resources available, the Enterprise Centre is the city’s go-to hub for business start-ups.

“Starting a business can feel overwhelming, but knowing where to begin is half the battle,” said Rob Belchior, the City’s Small Business Consultant. “Our programs, workshops, and resources are designed to assist entrepreneurs every step of the way, from initial idea development to building a solid foundation for growth.”

Upcoming Events and Seminars

The Enterprise Centre’s January 2025 offerings include a mix of in-person seminars and virtual webinars tailored to support small business owners and start-ups:

In-Person Seminars (at 22 Ontario St.)

Steps to Starting a Small Business – Jan. 14, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Learn the basics of business start-up. Wondering where to start with your small business? Join the Enterprise Centre for an introduction to the rules and regulations surrounding your small business start-up. Topics include forms of business, licensing, business name registration, and more. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECSteps.

Introduction to Market Research – Jan. 21, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Explore tools and strategies to identify your best customers and how to reach them. Set the direction of your business and get all of your ideas on paper. Topics include what is market research, and market research tools. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECIntro.

Marketing 101 – Jan. 21, 11 a.m. to noon

Started your small business but need to get the word out? Join the Enterprise Centre for a review of basic marketing principles to help you find your ideal customer and build your communication strategy. Topics include value proposition, marketing strategy, sales, and more. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECMarketing.

Business Planning Series

Part 1: The Business Plan – Jan. 28, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

What is a business plan and why do you need one? Join the Enterprise Centre for an in depth look at the basics of developing your business plan. Topics include why write a business plan, sections of a business plan, and how to build out each section. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECPart1.

Part 2: The Cash Flow – Jan. 30, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

What is a cash flow, why do you need it, and how do you create one? Join the St. Catharines Enterprise Centre for an in depth look at the basics of developing your financial forecast. Topics include financial terminology, best practices, and a live demonstration. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECPart2.

Exploring Entrepreneurship Series (Various St. Catharines Public Library Branches)

Sessions cover the keys to business success. Do you have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur? Learn all about what it takes to successfully start a business, including developing your idea, business supports and tools, and the keys to success.

Jan. 20 (Merritt Branch, 149 Hartzel Rd.), 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECJan20

Jan. 23 (Dr. Huq Family Library, 425 Carlton St.), 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECJan23

Feb. 13 (Central Branch, 54 Church St.), 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECFeb13

Virtual Webinar – Marketing Channels, Jan. 27, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Learn how to leverage various marketing channels to effectively reach your target audience. Understanding how different channels reach different customers helps you build an effective marketing plan. This session will cover a variety of different marketing channels and how each can be used most effectively. Presented by Sara Norton of REPLY-ALL. Register at stcatharines.ca/ECChannels.

Supporting Entrepreneurs Year-Round

The Enterprise Centre is more than events. It offers a wide range of services, from free consultations to business resources like the Small Business Starter Kit. Additionally, programs like Starter Company Plus and Summer Company provide financial support and mentorship to budding entrepreneurs. Find the complete kit at stcatharines.ca/SmallBusinessKit.

“Whether you’re just thinking about starting a business or ready to launch, we’re here to offer information, resources and feedback to help you succeed,” said Belchior.

To learn more about the Enterprise Centre and its resources, visit stcatharines.ca/EnterpriseCentre.
