February 10, 2025

Advancing Business Excellence

Pioneering Corporate Success

Strategizing Informal Learning for Employees’ Career Development

Strategizing Informal Learning for Employees’ Career Development

This article explores that learning and development (L&D) professionals might be underutilizing the potential of career-oriented informal learning for employees. To this end, L&D practitioners need to strategize holistic career development that integrates relevant systemic, informal learning, and evaluative interventions.

Current Trends (or lack thereof) in Learning and Development

Over the past decade, the field of talent development or employee L&D has garnered great attention within the human resources (HR) space.  Once simply labelled as ‘training’, the field has expanded to include various modalities such as e-Learning, video blogs, online communities, and mobile learning to help employees learn on-the-job.  In addition, one sees a plethora of new job roles such as learning experience designer, learning technologist, and content curator emerging in the field every day.

Despite these trends; however, many organizations still rely on traditional learning solutions such as face-to-face workshops or a batch of static e-learning modules peppered with some interactive scenarios, videos, and tests.  Time after time, research has proven that formal or informational learning contributes only up to 10% of an employee’s overall skill development.  Skill building gets maximized when it occurs through social interactions at work (20% of learning) such as through peers, managers, mentors and role models, as well as through real on-the-job experiences (70% of learning), for example, through stretch assignments, job-rotations and adding depth of responsibilities. 

Thus, it is safe to conclude that informal learning or 90% of learning that occurs outside formal interventions is a crucial focus area for L&D professionals.  This brings us to two fundamental questions: 

  1. How is L&D specifically utilizing informal learning to help employees develop their careers?
  2. What are the key implications of the interrelationships between career development and informal learning for L&D professionals?

Career Development:  Status in Human Resource Development

Forces of globalization are driving many organizations of today to build an agile talent pipeline.  Yet, despite the demand to build employees’ competencies that meet organizations’ growing needs, scholars note that human resource development (HRD) has disengaged itself from career development discourse and practice (McDonald & Hite, 2005; Powell, Hubschman, & Doran, 2001; Siew Inn & Crowell, 2015).  Some cite the need to revive the role of the “career development specialist” and the “career development function through informal learning principles and tools” (Powell, Hubschman, & Doran, 2001, p. 822). 

Informal Learning:  What National Statistics Show?

In addition to the observations above, two national surveys on adult learning testify that Canadian workers spend almost six hours per week on job-related informal learning activities such as keeping up-to-date with new knowledge, learning computer skills, and learning new tasks (Livingstone, 1999; Livingstone & Scholtz, 2006).  In fact, over 70% of workers view learning through their own efforts and their co-workers as the most important source of knowledge as compared to employer-sponsored training (Livingstone & Scholtz, 2006).  Clearly, the survey results indicate that Canadian workers are substantially involved in informal learning.  Yet, there has been little research on the competencies that they have informally gained (Livingstone & Scholtz, 2006).  Consequently, L&D professionals might not be cognizant of the informally learnt competencies of their workforce.

Key Implications for Learning and Development Professionals

Based on such research, L&D professionals need to reassess their current practices to fully utilize the potential of informal learning in fueling employee career development.  To this end, a key implication for them is to operationalize a holistic career development strategy by gaining sponsorship from their executive team.

To define informal learning, I use Marsick and Watkins (2001) seminal definition of informal learning to suggest a preliminary strategic framework that incorporates three key elements in the process of integrating career development from an informal learning perspective.

Preliminary Career Development Framework

Marsick and Watkins (2001) posit that “Informal learning is usually intentional but not highly structured” (para. 2) and that three conditions are needed to augment informal learning: “critical reflection to surface tacit knowledge and beliefs, stimulation of proactivity on the part of the learner to actively identify options and to learn new skills to implement those options or solutions, and creativity to encourage a wider range of options” (para. 18).

Learn More: 

A Career in Learning and Development: 10 Must-Have Skills to Make It Big in 2020

Systemic Mechanisms:  

Employees can only internalize critically reflective, proactive, and creative behaviors as suggested by Marsick and Watkins (2001) if systemic mechanisms that can foster informal learning are in place.

Research conducted by Ellinger (2005) showed that “learning-committed leadership and management” emerged as the primary theme that had a positive influence on employees’ informal learning (p. 400).  It was found that managers and leaders who do the following might “trigger informal learning”, “create the context for informal learning”, or “be involved in the learning process” itself (Ellinger, 2005, p. 403). 

  1. Provide learning opportunities to their employees.
  2. Serve as role models, coaches, and mentors.
  3. Visibly encourage risk-taking, knowledge sharing, positive feedback, and recognition.

Hence, supporting employees’ career-related informal learning by creating or improving existing policies, programs, or practices in areas such as leadership and management, work-life balance, reward structures, job design, and job rotation should be a key element of the strategy.

Informal Learning Activities:

An application of the three conditions of informal learning as per Marsick and Watkins (2001) could be employees and managers co-designing career oriented informal learning experiences.  For example, employees could use the Strengths Finder 2.0 (Rath, 2007) test to first discover and critically reflect on their tacit talents, and then identify ways of creatively applying the talents towards their work and career goals, thereby learning new skills such as public speaking, client engagement, or mentoring.  Also, managers could encourage their employees to explore a wider range of satisfying career goals and to map their progress toward the identified goals.

To this end, L&D professionals need to conceptualize innovative ways of integrating informal learning activities within organization-wide activities such as through performance management, learning and development, and client or product management.


The unstructured nature of informal learning (Marsick &Watkins, 2001) makes the evaluation of a critical element of the career development process (McDonald & Hite, 2005).  Evaluation and feedback loops serve as ways of organizing and improving distributed informal learning patterns across the organization.  Thus, L&D professionals need to find ways of evaluating their own support mechanisms and variables such as employee career and life satisfaction, self-efficacy, and employability through innovative tools such as video testimonials, survey apps, and an open forum on the company’s intranet as part of their strategy.

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Preliminary Career Development Framework


Future Implications

First, more research needs to be conducted on organizations that have successfully implemented career development programs, especially from an informal learning standpoint to help guide L&D practitioners.  Second, the question of whether L&D professionals have the skill set to facilitate the career development function needs further investigation.  Third, although this article focused on employees in general, a holistic career development strategy also needs to fully examine the challenging transitions of newcomers, the aging workforce, women, employees with disabilities, hourly employees, and visible minorities in work, informal learning, and career advancement.
